Training Location
Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Mall
3650 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Suite 185
Los Angeles, CA 90008
Classes are held at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Mall in Suite 185 in The RightWay Foundation office.
Off of Crenshaw, near the Stocker Stoplight is the East Parking Deck. The East Parking Deck has an orange roof. Enter and drive straight back. You'll drive to the far end. On the left, by pillar E7, are two, glass double doors with The RightWay Foundation sign above them. There are Reserved For Police parking signs in front of it. It's next to a satellite police station, so you'll see their vehicles.
Section E7 at the East Parking Deck ***One United Bank is now closed****
December 2024 is the first class at the new location. The previous location was Suite 195. We've moved a few feet away to Suite 185. I don't have updated pictures yet.
***Formerly One United Bank
Former location suite 195
New location suite 185
New location suite 185